Cover photo for “Chase or Attract” by J A S L A J

Chase or Attract

4 min readApr 29, 2022


You might be the kind of person who runs after watching a dog walking towards you, most people are. But do you know what would happen if you run toward an unleashed dog as fast as you can? Any untrained dog will run away from you unless he notices weakness or fear in your movement. That is a fact.

In so many ways life is very similar to this example. You want money, your crush, or any achievement. If you chase them, they will run like hell from you.

Let’s say, you need $1000. You’re desperate and want it so bad that you don’t even care to think if you need it or want it.

In a short time, what is the best thing you can do?

Get a loan?

Sell a car for $2000 that is worth $5000?

Rob someone who will eventually make you lose thousands of dollars or even put you in prison and take away your precious time worth more than any amount of money.

I can keep going but all the options will end up you killing the chicken that gives you golden eggs.

So, never be desperate for money. Never think short-term. Never buy things to impress other people. And at last, “NEVER” “LOOSE” “MONEY” even if your money produces 0–1% interest. Keep it safe in a black hole. As long as you have money, you will attract more money. Focus on learning, educate yourself and soon enough you will see that black hole turn into a green one.

Now let’s talk about your crush. When you’re with that person, every instinct is going to be flawed. Every move will turn into a mistake. Girls or boys, men or women. We all have emotions and that is bad. Unless you know how to control or channel them to your advantage.

“There is a beautiful woman, she’s kind. She knows how to dress, and talk, and even the way she moves is perfect. I know there is no other person I would rather be with than her. But what if she says No.”

Well, the first step is to acknowledge that she’s not the last person on the planet. That mindset is going to keep you from chasing her and she won’t move away.

Second, make sure to have balance.

Check your chat with her. In one day, if you’ve sent 20 messages, she replied with 5–6 messages. You’re chasing her and she’s running away. Accept nothing but 10:10.

The thing about balance. It is not only in chatting, it comes in many different ways like fitness, grooming, wealth, skills, and more. Sometimes, there are things you cannot even notice, that lead your relationship with that person to ignorance and rejection.

Let me explain, you must offer her more than what she’s offering you. Remember to balance, too much more is also bad. If looking at her reminds you of milk or peaches and her figure makes your blood boil. What you can do for her is to start working out and get abs, and biceps, or at least make sure your belly is not out.

If you’re not a fitness person, that’s okay. There are so many other factors to balance things up.

You can get rich, if a new Porsche makes her happy, buy her. Your body figure won’t matter.

Or you can have a flawless character, must have seen in Movies but it is possible to maintain a character in real life that people die for. You can be the kind of person whose word means more than a signed and notarized affidavit. Being loyal to someone or being truthful are the most admired characteristics.

Now it is for those people who have neither money nor a way to attract others physically.

Having skills, talent or any sort of value attracts people in need, that everyone always is. It will help you spend time with that special person. If she is focused on something, make sure to know the magical tricks related to that topic. If she needs an assignment done, you should know how to get her an “A+” and make her look good.

Back to balance. When I said 10:10, it doesn’t just mean give her what she deserves, it also means don’t give any more than she offers. Unless it is urgent don’t compromise your schedule to help her. Sometimes all you can do is say you’re busy and that will be all. Help her when you have time and make sure to spend as much time with her as possible. Make her happy. Have patience and wait for that long awkward moment of silence to come when you both are looking at each other.

It will work itself out but if it doesn’t. Remember the first step. If she smells desperation, you lost her.

The same goes for girls. If you want someone, don’t chase and have value.

Anything can be achieved if you learn to balance character, attractiveness, skills, and resources. Everything you want will come to you.

Keep in mind.

“Don’t chase, attract

Written by J A S L A J




Life | Psychology | Mindset | Emotions | Communication